IIC Londra, lunedì 20 agosto proiezione di Shoeshine (Sciuscià) di Vittorio De Sica

Ingresso libero. Prenota qui.

Salon Italia - In Italian with English subtitles

Introduction and post screening discussion with Nick Walker (Rochester Kino Cinema Club)

Director: Vittorio De Sica
Cast: Franco Interlenghi, Rinaldo Smordoni, Annielo Mele
Drama: 1946 | 1h 30min.

Though orphan Pasquale and his best friend, Giuseppe squirrel away the money they earn shining shoes in Rome, their dream of buying a horse seems out of reach until Giuseppe's older brother ropes them into a scheme to con money from a local fortune teller. The boys are able to purchase the horse, but end up in a juvenile detention center where they are slowly driven apart by police determined to make one of them talk. 

Nominations: Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay

Data: Lun 20 Ago 2018

Orario: Alle 19:00

Organizzato da : ICI London

Ingresso : Libero

Luogo:ICI London

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