IIC Londra, stasera conferenza con Marc Lazar e Andrea Mammone "Has the European social democracy any future?"

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Almost all recent elections saw a rise of right-wing forces. “Nation(s)” and “sovereignty” are becoming the most popular and appealing watchwords. Although strongly contributing to the rebuilding of Europe after 1945, it seems that there is little space for the left and its internationalism and global values. In some geographical areas, centre-left and social-democratic parties fail to attract the working class and the young. How did this happen? How can we explain the debacle of the PD? Are Neo-liberalism and Macron the only possible ways to revitalise progressive movements across Europe and the western globe? In this seminar, part of the series “History and Democracy” , LUISS and Sciences Po’s professor of history and sociology Marc Lazar, in conversation with Royal Holloway’s historian of modern and contemporary Europe Andrea Mammone, will address these and many other related themes – starting from his latest monograph Popolocrazia. La metamorfosi delle nostre democrazie.

Marc Lazar, professor of Political history and sociology, is the director of the Center for History at Sciences Po in Paris and President of the School of government of Luiss University in Rome. He is a specialist of European Left parties and movements and of Politics in Italy and France after World War II until present times. He published recently with Riccardo Brizzi, La France d’Emmanuel Macron, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, and with Ilvo Diamanti, Popolocrazie. Metamorfosi delle nostre democrazie, Laterza
He published recently with Riccardo Brizzi, La France d’Emmanuel Macron, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, and with Ilvo Diamanti, Popolocrazie. Metamorfosi delle nostre democrazie, Laterza.

Data: Gio 10 Mag 2018

Orario: Dalle 18:30 alle 20:00

Organizzato da : ICI London

Ingresso : Libero

Luogo:ICI London


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