IIC Londra, dal 9 maggio la mostra "Allegra Hicks: New Embroideries". Continua Vladimir Radunsky: Don Quixote"

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Allegra Hicks: New Embroideries. Vladimir Radunsky: Don Quixote Maeci
Exhibitions opening
On the occasion of the London Craft Week
Allegra Hicks: New Embroideries. Allegra Hicks’s textile works issue from a synergy between shapes and colours, as well as natural and artificial, which tickles the senses and transforms the perception of the domestic space. Her visual vocabulary is hosted in a bespoke exhibition within the framework of the 1830s architecture of the Italian Cultural Institute. Starting point of Hicks’s work is the idea of a continuous drawing, made of repetitions and juxtapositions of decorative motifs both natural and abstract, which progressively loops back on itself and therefore defines the final result. In her own words: “Rugs and textiles are not like paintings; they have a very specific function and evoke a different perceptive space, which changes following the graphic arrangement and the colours. Rugs, for instance, are supposed to give a sense of continuity, to create an island for the furniture, anchoring them to the ground.” This text is an edited version of an article by Emanuela Nobile Mino.

Allegra Hicks studied art and design in Milan and Brussels. She then moved to New York, working in a contemporary art gallery and becoming assistant of the artist Donald Baechler. She eventually moved to London where she created her own luxury brand, getting wide and international recognition for the quality of its design of textiles and carpets.
In 1999 she designed her first caftan collection and opened her first boutique in Chelsea Green. In 2010 her work became the subject of the book An Eye for Design, curated by Antonio Monfreda and published by Abrams.
She works for a number of clients and companies, most recently for The Rug Company and Made.com. Her collections are distributed in the United Kingdom and Europe by Turnell & Gigon, in the United States by lee Jofa and in Australia by Tigger Hall.
She was awarded several prizes such as Best Wallpaper Award for Elle Decor USA and Best Fabric Design Award for Elle Decoration UK.

Vladimir Radunsky: Don Quixote. The Italian Cultural Institute welcomes some of the costumes designed by Vladimir Radunsky for the Don Quixote staged at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma in November 2017, for which Radunsky was set and costume designer. On that occasion, he created a fairy and pop environment inspired by the play originally staged in 1869 at the Bolshoj Theatre in Moscow by Marius Petipa and its subsequent retakes, including the one by choreographer Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Born in the Ural Mountains of Russia, Vladimir Radunsky migrated to the US in 1982, when he was still a relatively young man. Since then he has become well known for his brightly coloured artwork and dynamic collages, his illustrated books for children and his theatre costumes. He now lives and works in Rome.

Data: Mer 9 Mag 2018

Orario: Dalle 19:00 alle 21:30

Organizzato da : ICI London

Ingresso : Libero

Luogo:Italian Cultural Institute

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