Ingresso libero. Prenota qui. L'incontro sarà moderato da Andrea Mammone.
Following our very successful January 2018 event on Brexit, Royal Holloway’s historian of modern Europe and media pundit Andrea Mammone will chair another timely roundtable featuring Limbo project’s founder Elena Remigi and journalist Leonardo Clausi, author of Uscita di insicurezza. Our “History and Democracy” series will now look at the British departure from the EU from a different sociopolitical and inner perspective. In a post-truth era characterised by anti-migration stances, and when much of the British press only focuses on the apparently endless negotiations, this new seminar gives voice to some almost forgotten social challenges and political views: What are the feelings of and the role played by EU citizens in such troubling story of our times? Is it all about Empire vs Euro-dream? And is there any safe “exit”?
This event will be held in English.
Leonardo Clausi grew up in Rome and has lived in London since 1996. He was a press officer at the Festival dei Due Mondi. He has written extensively as a freelance journalist (including for the magazine l’Espresso), contributed to Radio 3 Rai and translated into Italian books by, amongst others, Donald Sassoon and Eric Hobsbawm. He has commented Italian affairs for The Guardian and the BBC. He currently is the correspondent for the newspaper Il Manifesto and collaborates with Rai’s London bureau as a TV producer. He is the author of Uscita di insicurezza. Brexit e l’ideologia inglese (Manifestolibri).
Elena Remigi is an interpreter and translator originally from Milan. She moved from Ireland to Britain in 2005 with her husband and son, who now is in his last year at university. She is founder and Director of the “In Limbo - Our Brexit Testimonies Project” and co-editor of the book In Limbo: Brexit Testimonies from EU citizens in the UK. “In Limbo" is a not-for profit collection of personal accounts which reveal the emotional and practical turmoil EU citizens have experienced since the 2016 referendum.
Data: Mar 24 Apr 2018
Orario: Dalle 19:00 alle 20:30
Organizzato da : ICI London
Ingresso : Libero