IIC Londra, The Golden Age of the Guitar: il 13 settembre Mauro Giuliani e Fernando Sor

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From the dusk of the Ancien Régime the guitar becomes a formidable competitor of the violin and of the piano not only as accompaniment in songs, but also as lead part in chamber music and as soloist in concertos.
Especially in Italy and Spain some generations of extraordinary virtuosos explore through their compositions the potential of this new instrument, obtained thanks to a series of revolutionary technical innovations applied since the second half of the seventeenth century. The research on this potential goes on at least until the first decade of the nineteenth century and gives birth to an extensive, diverse, original repertoire for the guitar.
This cycle constitutes an attempt to show the remarkable role played by Italian composers in the development of guitar music between the 1790s and the 1850s.


13 September
Mauro Giuliani and Fernando Sor
18 December
Emilia Giuliani, Mauro Giuliani and Luigi Legnani - Rossini 150


Italian Mauro Giuliani and Spanish Fernando Sor are likely to be regarded as the most talented and amazing guitar virtuosos of their generation.
Through their songs and solo pieces this concert will make them contend in a musical duel between their respective Nations.

Mauro Giuliani, Sei ariette di Metastasio for voice and guitar or piano op. 95
I. Ombre amene (Andantino espressivo)
II. Fra tutte le pene (Allegretto agitato)
III. Quando sarà quel dì (Allegretto)
IV. Le dimore amor non ama (Maestoso)
V. Ad altro laccio (Allegretto)
VI. Di due bell’anime (Allegretto)
Fernando Sor, “Meditación” for guitar
Fernando Sor, Six seguidillas for voice and guitar or piano
- Cesa de atormentarme
- De amor en las prisiones
- Si dices que mis ojos
- El que quisiera amando
- Mis descuidados ojos
- Las mujeres y cuerdas
Mauro Giuliani, “Grande Ouverture” for guitar op. 61
Mauro Giuliani, Sei cavatine for voice and guitar or piano op. 39
I. Par che di giubilo (Allegro maestoso)
II. Confuso, smarrito (Allegro)
III. Alle mie tante lagrime (Moderato)
IV. Ah! Non dir che non t’adoro (Allegretto)
V. Ch’io sent’amor per femine (All° vivace)
VI. Già presso al termine (Allegretto)

Gabriella Di Laccio, soprano
James Akers, guitar

Data: Gio 13 Set 2018

Orario: Dalle 19:30 alle 21:00

Organizzato da : ICI London

Ingresso : Libero

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