Bruxelles: Retrospective exhibition Constantin Meunier, Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. Fattitaliani intervista la curatrice Francisca Vandepitte

Ascolta l'intervista di Fattitaliani a Francisca Vandepitte, curatrice della mostra e guarda le foto. On 20 September 2014, a large retrospective exhibition of realist work by the 19th century realist Belgian painter and sculptor Constantin Meunier (1831-1905) opens its doors. Meunier is known internationally for the industrial labourers, dock and mine workers that he introduced into the visual arts as icons of modernity. His view of mankind and the world is engaged and full of compassion, and inextricably bound up with the industrial, social and political developments that took place in Belgium at the end of the 19th century. Nevertheless, this exhibition aims to provide a varied overview of the complete work of the artist. For this reason, special attention will be paid to the paintings from the first decades of his career which, to date, have hardly been studied: historical tableaux, civil portraits and religious scenes. As no other the oeuvre of Constantin Meunier is reflecting the main movements and developments in Belgian art from the second half of the 19th Century. Alongside a representative selection of paintings and bronzes, a captivating selection of works on paper and documents will be shown.


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