IIC Londra, mercoledì 22 agosto film "Il Profumo del tempo delle favole" di Mauro Caputo

Ingresso libero. Prenota qui.
In Italian with English Subtitles
Director: Mauro Caputo
Screenplay : Mauro Caputo from a novel by Giorgio Pressburger
Documentary I 1h 5min I 2016

La Biennale di Venezia 2016: Giornate degli Autori - Venice Days, Special Events
Nastri d'Argento 2017: mention, Lifetime Achievement for Giorgio Pressburger

Italian writer Giorgio Pressburger is wracked with self-doubt as he seeks out signs of his own religious faith by laying down his life experience bare. He boldly takes on the problems of evil and suffering and an in-depth look at the workings of the soul.

Data: Mer 22 Ago 2018

Orario: Alle 19:00

Ingresso : Libero

Luogo:ICI London

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