IIC Londra, stasera presentazione libro "Nessuno può volare" con Simonetta Agnello Hornby e George Hornby

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This book is a collection of some of the many characters in Simonetta Agnello Hornby’s big family, all of them “normal” in a “peculiar” way.
Flicking through its pages, we meet in particular her son George, who was diagnosed with a rare form of multiple sclerosis and who alternates with her mother in telling the story of this book. It’s not easy to come to terms with the illness but, as the title suggests, “Nobody can fly”: “As we cannot fly, so George will not be able to walk anymore: this will not prevent him from enjoying his life in other ways. There’s more than flying in life, and maybe also there’s more than walking. We will just have to find that ”more””.

Simonetta Agnello Hornby was born in Palermo, Sicily. She has lived in London for over 45 years, working as a family lawyer: in 1979 she co-founded Hornby & Levy, the first law firm specialized in cases of violence within the family, which published in 1997 The Caribbean’s Children Law Project, a study that is still unique today. She has been President of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal for eight years. Her first book The Almond Picker (Penguin) was an international best seller, translated in twelve languages, winner of many literary awards. In addition to her novels, she has written on Italian food and culinary traditions.

After graduating in Politics and Philosophy, as well as in Law, George Hornby had short careers as lawyer and banker in the City. In 2002, at 32, he was diagnosed a rare form of multiple sclerosis (the primary progressive one). Shortly after he had to stop working and for some years he has been using a wheelchair. Since then, he became a connoisseur of flat sidewalks and buses with ramps, and he appreciates toilets with large doors. He is a member of several associations (Transport For All, Disability Rights UK and others) with the aim of facilitating and encouraging disalbled people and their assistants and relatives to travel and be part of their community. In 2015 he has been co-protagonist with his mother (Simonetta Agnello Hornby) of a TV programme about travels (“Io e George”) from London to Palermo. In 2017 he has been co-author and so-protagonist of Nessuno può volare (a book for Feltrinelli and a film for La Effe).

Date: Monday, September 24, 2018

Time: From 7:00 pm To 8:30 pm

Organized by : ICI London

Entrance : Free

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