ICI Londra, lunedì 23 aprile proiezione de "I sovversivi" di Paolo and Vittorio Taviani

Ingresso libero. Prenota qui. Salon Italia - In Italian with English subtitles Introduction and post screening discussion with Nick Walker

Cast: Giulio Brogi, Pierpaolo Capponi, Lucio Dalla Maria Cumani Quasimodo, Ferruccio De Ceresa
1967, 1h 33’, Drama

The film combines actual footage of Communist leader Palmiro Togliatti's funeral with the intermingled stories of four people affected by his death: Ettore, a Venezuelan radical who abandons the wealthy Italian woman he loves to go back to his country and help his cause; Ludovico, an ailing filmmaker who finds out that art alone is not enough; Giulia, a woman who embarks upon a lesbian affair with a former mistress of her husband; and Ermanno, a philosophy graduate who breaks up with his past.

Data: Lun 23 Apr 2018

Orario: Dalle 19:00 alle 21:00

Organizzato da : IIC Londra

In collaborazione con : Rochester Kino

Ingresso : Libero

Luogo:IIC Londra

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